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How do I use Microsoft Edge Drop to Share files in Windows 11/10
That being said, to share files using Microsoft Edge Drop; 1. Enable or turn on Microsoft Edge Drop. 2. Share files and notes using Microsoft Edge Drop. 3. Download files shared by you using Microsoft Edge Drop. You can use the below post as a guide to walk you through each step:

Message Trace in Exchange Online gives Event : Drop, Reason: [{LED=250 ...
From your description, I understand your concerns is about the meaning of the Drop event in the message trace result. Generally, we can allow both internal and external users send emails to DL in the Exchange admin center > recipients > groups > select the DL and click edit > Deliver management > select the option ”Senders inside and outside ...

Where is the Drop? - Microsoft Community
I understand that the "Drop" icon has disappeared from your Edge sidebar. Open Edge and go to settings. Click "Sidebar". Click "Customize the Sidebar". In "Manage apps", find the "Drop" app and enable it. The icon should appear again in your sidebar. Hope this helps, see you soon!

Drag and drop will not work in new Outlook - Microsoft Community
The drag and drop feature works perfectly in old outlook but does not work on new outlook. I saw previous posts about this from February, so it is disheartening that it has not been fixed yet. I love the rest of the features of new outlook but will unfortunately not be able to use it while this issue persists.

edge浏览器的侧边栏【Drop】功能入口不见了 - Microsoft Community
在之前加入Release Preview通道后的某次浏览器更新后,原来的侧边栏十多个图标(包括内置的搜索、购物、游戏、Drop等功能以及自定义的网址)全消失了,只剩下图中的三个。当时我查看浏览器版本时发现edge图标带了个beta下标,以为是参与Release

Sidebar and drop features are missing from Edge?
Now for drop: The setting to enable drop is also missing . However the policy is not set, and the flag is enabled. I tried using all 3 dev channels and there was no difference. I am on edge version 111.0.1661.44.

Go to "Options" and select "Customize Ribbon" from the left sidebar. In the right column, check the box next to "Developer" and click "OK". Step 2: Insert a calendar control Click on the "Developer" tab in the Excel ribbon. Click on the "Insert" button in the Controls group and select "More Controls" from the drop-down menu.

Microsoft Edge Drop Feature can't download
Regarding to your information I assume that you have been unable to use the "Drop" function recently. This function is based on OneDrive, and it seems like there might be a temporary issue on the server side. I suggest you first try to see if you can access these files normally from OneDrive (there should be a folder related to Edge Drop

Cannot put apps onto my desktop? - Microsoft Community
I'm on windows 11, and I'm aware that you cannot drag and drop to the task bar anymore, however I cannot put any apps onto my desktop either? The only apps my computer will allow to be on desktop at the moment are, Office, Google Chrome, and Origin.

Is it possible to create a custom "Drop Down Menu" that addess ...
Can this be added to a OneNote template so that every document that is added to a section of a notebook will have the text added that is selected in the drop down menu of the document? Can this be used to control the txt which is used for the subject of an email when the document is sent via email from the OneNote email button?

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