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"forward to" vs "forward it to" - WordReference Forums
You may send me more information (preferably in the form of several relevant screen-cap ture images photos if possible) and I will forward it to GS immediately. However, he was writing a very quick email to one one of his [fellow] employees, the message was a simple instruction and he therefore wrote with brevity and speed ignoring the finer ...

"I forwarded to you" vs "I forwarded you" - WordReference Forums
Forward the email me. Forward to me the email. If one of the objects is omitted, such as when it has come before the verb in connection with a relative clause, it can help to clarify which object is present, by using the preposition for he indirect one, and omitting for the direct one.

forward to < meet/meeting > you [gerund or infinitive?]
The choice is determined by the previous word or expression. 'Look forward to' takes a noun phrase: I am looking forward to the conference. I am looking forward to your birthday party. The ing-form of a verb can go wherever a noun can: I am looking forward to meeting you. This is why we say this 'to' is a preposition: it mostly takes nouns.

"move on" vs. "move forward" - WordReference Forums
A girl broke up with her boyfriend. She goes out with another guy. About him, she says to her friend: 1. "I'm trying to move on." 2. "I'm trying to move forward." Are there any differences in the meanign between 1 and 2?

move the meeting up an hour | WordReference Forums
Interesting - for me I haven't heard this phrase before, and like Emma, would have assumed (wrongly apparently) that the meeting to be held later in time, but unlike Emma for me "move the meeting forward an hour" would mean "to be held earlier" (whereas "to move the meeting back an hour" would mean "later").

move forward on / to - WordReference Forums
Which one is the correct? We are moving forward on the objective of convergence or We are moving forwart to the objective of convergence The Spanish sentence is "seguimos avanzando en el objectivo de convergencia con la media española y europea" Thanks!

push back/forward - WordReference Forums
Push or brought forward cannot be used to denote a delay. Yes it is counter intuitive to say push back in reference to time to denote a delay since we always use "back" to denote a time in past. But in this specific case if you think about it, it kind of makes sense as in literally "pushing back/away from you" to mean you are further away not ...

I look forward to speaking with you | WordReference Forums
"Thanks for your reply. I look forward to speaking with you." En espanol puedo decir: "Gracias por su repuesta. A la espera de poder conversar con usted." Y la frasa "Estoy deseando hablar contigo" me oiga como "I enjoy speaking with you" or "I would like to speak to you." Is it the same as "A la espera de poder conversar con usted"? Gracias.

forward on to / forward to - WordReference Forums
Someone asks you if you have certain data, which he needs, and you say yes. Which would you say, 1 or 2? What's the difference between them? 1. I'll be forwarding them on to you. 2. I'll be forwarding them to you.

I look forward to keep improving / keeping improving my job
I look forward to continuing to improve my daily work. I look forward to keeping improving my daily work. In the second translation above, it sounds awkward to have two consecutive gerunds, so I would avoid this construction, although it is grammatically correct. Instead, I would say: I look forward to keeping on improving my daily work. Also:

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