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About IMAP and POP clients - Google Workspace Admin Help
POP–With POP, email messages and attachments are removed from the mail server after you get them on your device. Once the messages are removed from the server, you can't get them from any other device. If you get messages on a single device, and want messages deleted from the server after downloading, use POP. Sync your account using IMAP or POP

Read Gmail messages on other email clients using POP
Step 2: Set up POP First, set up POP in Gmail. On your computer, open Gmail. In the top right, click Settings See all settings. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. In the "POP download" section, select Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for mail that arrives from now on. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Python pop () vs pop (0) - Stack Overflow
where as pop(0) means it removes the element in the index that is first element of the list. as per the Docs . list.pop([i]): Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. If no index is specified, a.pop() removes and returns the last item in the list.

How does Gmail POP work? - Google Workspace Admin Help
Unlike in normal mode, you must set your POP client to leave messages on the server (and not delete them), because when a POP client issues a DELE (delete) command in recent mode, it is sent to Trash in Gmail, regardless of the user's When messages are accessed with POP setting. If one of the POP clients deletes messages, they won't be visible ...

What do Push and Pop mean for Stacks? - Stack Overflow
The algorithm to go from infix to prefix expressions is:-reverse input TOS = top of stack If next symbol is: - an operand -> output it - an operator -> while TOS is an operator of higher priority -> pop and output TOS push symbol - a closing parenthesis -> push it - an opening parenthesis -> pop and output TOS until TOS is matching parenthesis, then pop and discard TOS.

Difference between del, remove, and pop on lists in Python
For pop. pop takes the index as a parameter and removes the element at that index. Unlike del, pop when called on list object returns the value at that index >>> a = [1, 5, 3, 4, 7, 8] >>> a.pop(3) # Will return the value at index 3 4 >>> a [1, 5, 3, 7, 8] For remove. remove takes the parameter value and remove that value from the list.

Use notifications to get alerts - Computer - Google Chrome Help
Under "Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects," find the site. To the right of the site, click More Block. If the site isn't listed, next to "Not allowed to send pop-ups or use redirects," click Add. Enter the site's web address, and then click Add. To capture all pop-ups across the site, use the pattern [*.]

Difference between git stash pop and git stash apply
git stash pop throws away the (topmost, by default) stash after applying it, whereas git stash apply leaves it in the stash list for possible later reuse (or you can then git stash drop it). This happens unless there are conflicts after git stash pop , in which case it will not remove the stash, leaving it to behave exactly like git stash apply .

Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome - Computer - Google Help
Click Pop-ups and redirects. Under "Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects," find the site. To the right of the site, click More Block. If the site isn't listed, next to "Not allowed to send pop-ups or use redirects," click Add. Enter the site's web address, and then click Add. To capture all pop-ups across the site, use the pattern ...

Choose your IMAP email client settings for Gmail - Gmail Help - Google Help
Email clients (POP/IMAP) Choose your IMAP email client settings for Gmail We recommend the settings below if you use IMAP to read your Gmail messages in another email client, like Outlook, Apple Mail, or Thunderbird.

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